Emprendedores al fondo: 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Intel Capital - Home
Intel Capital, Intel's strategic investment program, is one of the largest worldwide corporate venture programs investing in the technology segment.
Corporacion de Fomento de la Produccion, Corfo: "Fondo de Desarrollo e Innovacion FDI"
Fondo de Desarrollo e Innovación FDI
IBM - Venture Development - United States

Dedicated to venture capital firms and the portfolio companies they fund, this portal demonstrates IBM's commitment to the venture capital community and our investment in innovation and thought leadership.
Mobius Venture Capital
Mobius Venture Capital has helped great entrepreneurs build world-class companies -- ones that have changed the way individuals and enterprises alike use technology to achieve their goals
HP Investments

Fondo de capital de HP
Nokia Venture Partners
The largest venture capital firm to invest exclusively in the mobile and IP related start-up businesses and technologies and has global investment scope.
EcoEnterprises Fund
Fondo ecologico con sede en costa rica
About Sun: Venture and Strategic Investments
FOndo de capital de riesgo de SUN microsystems

Monday, May 03, 2004

infodev: The Information for Development Program
Este link corresponde a un programa del Banco mundial para la incubacion de empresas.